One of the Uncommon Commons
So, I have five of them...the Uncommon Commons I call them. They're written out and posted above my workbench. Yep. They are the things that everyone should possess but don't and yet believe that they do and others don't. Follow me?
O.K. the most common uncommon common is this: "Well, that's just common sense!" Hmph, how many times have we heard that? Too many. You know what? It's not true. Common sense ISN'T!!! If it was, we wouldn't have to make the above statement. (I have removed it from my vocabulary completely). The Darwin awards are a perfect example of this. Some highlights from the most recent listings:
Hammer of Doom
(August 2006, Brazil) August brings us a winner from Brazil, who tried to disassemble a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) by driving back and forth over it with a car. This technique was ineffective, so he escalated to pounding the RPG with a sledgehammer. The second try worked--in a sense. The explosion proved fatal to one man, six cars, and the repair shop wherein the efforts took place.
14 more RPG grenades were found in a car parked nearby. Police believe the ammunition was being scavenged to sell as scrap metal. If it wasn't scrap then, it certainly is now!
Want more..."One string short of a kite."
(19 March 2006, Belize) Benjamin Franklin reputedly flew his kite in a lightning storm, going on to discover that lightning equals electricity. However, certain precautions must be taken to avoid sudden electrocution. Kennon, 26, replicated the conditions of Ben Franklin's experiment, but without Ben's sensible safety precautions. Kennon was flying a kite with a short string that he had extended with a length of thin copper wire. The copper made contact with a high-tension line, sending a bolt of electrical lightning towards the man. Just bad luck? Kennon's father told listeners his son was an electrician, and "should have known better."
So, sadly, I feel I've made my case. For more, go check 'em out for yourself @
so i want a list of these uncommon commons.....
i'm thinking 'i'm an excellent driver' is top of the list.
The Darwin Awards are always good for a laugh, I wonder sometimes if I've ever done anything worthy of them though...
Lime - you shall have your wish. I plan to list them; one a day like a vitamin over some time. I may even write a book someday.
Sornie - Congrats! You DO NOT qualify as you're not dead.
I love the Darwins, Rusty. Makes me feel like I have some common sense. Even if some of them aren't real, they are really funny. And sad to say, possible.
Sure hope the weather is agreeable come next Saturday. Keep your aelerons crossed.
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