For Crying Out Loud Dammit

"I Rant, Therfore I Am." A glimpse at life's small annoyances that really bug the daylights out of me. (Maybe you too)?

Monday, April 9

Why Can't They Cooperate?!

It's spring. With the budding flowers, birds and blooms comes too...AWANA Derby (aka pinewood derby for scouters).

I love the derby. I get to cut, carve and configure simple blocks of wood into little racing cars for my kids. Two years ago, this annual ritual provided me with an excuse to buy a Dremel tool (knock off, but works just as well). It's awesome! I drill with it. I sand with it and I can even cut with it.

Derby night is a night of great anticipation and anxiety: "will the car meet specs? Will it be fast enough? Can I (I mean my boys) match so & so this year; my (my boys') only real competition?" Check in is at 5 and racing starts at like 6 or so. Divisions are by age and there are several heats in each division. Two catagories of competition exist as well: 1) Speed, 2) Design.

There are hot dogs, soda & chips. Chairs are set out in the large church gymnasium sort of horseshoe, stadium style. Flashes from the cameras of proud parents "pop" all evening and at the end; the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners in each category take home a trophy.
Our first year was dismal as my eldest thought it would be more fun to spend time with the G-parents than help with his car. I did a basic job. He didn't any category. He was quite sad. However, it was a good lesson as I explained that we only get out of things what we put in. The past two years, he has seen that come true as he helped immensely with the next two cars...

This was the 2005 1st place winner in the Design category for his age. Under the engine is added additional weight. The front tires are 1/2 the width of the rear as I trimmed them to be narrow just like real dragster tires.

This little blue coupe took 3rd in Speed last year. He put alot of effort into polishing the axle shafts, roughing the tires, etc. I think it would've got 1st in design, but you're only permitted to win in one category. (It even has a "metal" grille on front, a piece of aluminum foil fashioned and glued.

Here we have the tools, the workbench and the beginnings of the dragster for my youngest son's car. (His performance last year, his first year, was much like his elder brother's first year...utter failure. This year he was prepared to work).

The next photo is of the dragster cutout and preliminary sanding complete. Additional modifications forthcoming.

Here is where the story gets sad. I have about 7 hours into the car below with about another 5-7 more. Then, I have to assist the Elder Son with the cutout of his, coaching with sanding, etc. That will be another 14 hours. That's alot of time. That's time away from cleaning up my lawn, painting the deck, picking up debris from all the heinous windstorms this year, planting spring flowers, prepping the boat for fishing season AND THE LIST GOES ON...

What do I ask..."children, please pick up sticks & branches from the lawn so the mowing can be done." Do they do it? No. Well that's not entirely true. They did it; just did it half a**ed! So, I say: "I refuse to work on the cars anymore or take you to the derby until the lawn is finished." We're 10 days away from race day. The sticks still lay strewn about in the lawn. The car sits on my workbench, unaltered. For Crying Out Loud, Dammit...why can't they just do what they're told! I want to race for pity's sake!


At April 10, 2007 at 5:11 AM , Blogger lime said...

i could go on at length regarding this issue...but i won't

At April 10, 2007 at 7:29 AM , Blogger DaMasta said...

Letting dad do the work AND not picking up sticks is always more fun. :-/

Let's just have fun at the derby and worry about sticks later, mmmkay?


At April 10, 2007 at 10:18 AM , Blogger Angel said...

that sorta looks like a prototype of a new fangled penis or something...sorry.

I thought the Derby was BIG cars, that you actually ride in?

At April 10, 2007 at 11:54 AM , Blogger Tim Watkins said...

Photo of the power tool????
For crying out loud, Man. We need power tool photos.

At April 10, 2007 at 3:00 PM , Blogger Rusty Nails said...

Lime - Thanks for feeling my pain.

Damasta - There's more to life than play, play, play. Work has to be accomplished sometimes.

Beth - Mmm, someone's mind is on other things. Large or small, it's still about wooden cars. (No splinters either ;)

Tim - Next update I'll include the pics of the tool with a new bit I purchased as well.

At April 10, 2007 at 7:39 PM , Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Ooh, I like the blue one. I choose wooden cars like I choose football teams--favorite colors.

Thanks for the cheery note at Manic Mom's. It was actually very timely, I had just gotten home from a tall dulce de leche latte. With WHIP!

At April 10, 2007 at 7:46 PM , Blogger lime said...

rusty, i feel it with great this very moment in am in allmanner of actual physical torment, nearly unable to move. you'd think that seeing one's mother in such a state would kick in some sort of latent, how can we be helpful attitude. you'd be dead wrong. i still had to ask 6 times for yesterday's chores to be completed today. i had to nag them into the shower. i finally lost my cool completely when i had to break up an argument 30 minutes AFTER bedtime. (insert very naughty language here)

At April 11, 2007 at 2:00 PM , Blogger DaMasta said...

boooo! i demand a recount!


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