For Crying Out Loud Dammit

"I Rant, Therfore I Am." A glimpse at life's small annoyances that really bug the daylights out of me. (Maybe you too)?

Wednesday, June 27

A Day Late

The answer to the question is A or C; but most preferably C (the farthest from the door). Here's why it's NOT B...

B is the middle urinal and that would force the next guy who comes in to be standing right next to you. Unless all urinals are occupied, no dude likes to be peeing immediately beside another guy. Taking C permits the next guy coming in to take A thereby leaving B unoccupied and thus creating "space."

Why is it this way? Dunno. Just is. And, any guy who takes the middle instead of the open ones on the end may have some gazing issues or other problems. Wonder about that dude!

Monday, June 25

Pop Quiz: Unspoken Man Rules

(Since most my readers are female; you'll have to use your imagination)

You enter a restroom to pee. Three urinals hang on the wall. No one else occupys the restroom. Which urinal do you use: A) The one on the left; B) The one in the middle; or C) The one on the right?

And why did you choose that one OR why not the others?

Answer to this unspoken man rule revealed tomorrow!

Monday, June 18

Pickle out of Place

I was riding the bus home the week before we went on vacation. I'm a daily commuter. It's a 90 minute ride. Most of the time I listen to tunes and read a magazine or nap. Then, on other occassions, I look out the window and watch the cars & scenery go by. So, this one day I spy a early 90's Chevy station wagon. White. Boxish in shape. In the back compartment is a mattress with a blanket on it. It's neatly made up. As traffic slogs on, and the bus continues to pass the station wagon, I glimpse the driver and, more specifically, the front seat / dashboard area. The driver is a woman of middle age. No make up. Long straight, brown hair. Plain really. But what really catches my attention is that sitting on the very flat dash, right in front of the steering wheel, is a pickle. Yup. A pickle. Not a decoration. Not a dash ornament; but an actual pickle...a big fat (I assume dill) pickle with a bite out of it. (Forward of it, nestled in the defrost vent were a pair of sunglasses).
Who does this? How does a pickle find it's way onto one's dash? I haven't, nor has anyone I know, ever been driving down the road and say to myself, "Mmmmm, I'm hungry. Know what would be tasty right about now? A pickle. Oh look, I just happen to have one right here in my pocket!" CRUNCH! "Yummy." "Oops, don't look now, traffic ahead. Gotta get both hands on the wheel. Hmmm? Uh, what do I do with my pickle? Oh, I know...I'll set it here on the dusty ol' dashboard and eat it later."

So, in the spirit of this I'm going to start a thing I call "Pickle Out of Place." I'm going to buy a pickle. I'm going to take a bite out of it. Then, I'm going to take it places and photograph it. Eiffel Tower...why not. Grand Canyon...sure. I may even put google eyes on it and a mini motorcycle helmet and take it for a ride.

Suggestions for locations to take the pickle (I love saying that...pickle) are welcome.

Now, for more vacation pics.

Things eating ice cream at the rally in Baker City, OR

The rescue squad, bringing gas to me as I ran out just 5 miles from the station.

Goofing off in Toppenish, WA. They have 70 large scale murals painted on buildings throughout the little town.

Looking down over the Columbia River. Oregon on the left and Washington on the right.

Friday, June 15

Vacation Complete

Eh, I've been back to work for two days and I HATE it. I so need a job that is a hobby; or a hobby that can be a good paying job.

Vacation was fabulous...6 days of riding, riding, riding. Weather was sketchy at the onset but after cresting the mountain, it opened up to clear skies and warm temps. Perfect!

That's it for now. Just a taste...more to come. But, it's late now and I want to watch a movie with the wifey!

Friday, June 1

Woo Hoo, The Weekend!

The weather is sunny, warm and perfect here in the Northwest. I'm lovin' it! Last weekend, on Memorial Day, we took a family motorcycle ride. Put over 200 plus miles on the scoots. It was great.

This weekend is the last weekend of Little League. My boys have done well and I'm especially proud of Thing 1. He started off with little skill: couldn't hit, couldn't catch and didn't run very well. But, with dedication and practice (not to mention my ridin' his little butt to get better) he is now a respectable player; even earning the game ball the other night for a nice hit to left field that set his team up for the winning run. Ahhh...I'm so proud.

Thing 2 is a pretty good hitter as well but has a focus problem. It's hard to be in the field as an 8 year old. Baseball just isn't fast enough sometimes to keep the attention. I remember it well.

Three games, total, to go. We'll finish up just in time before heading out on the family vacation. We're going to hell...Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally that is!

5 days of riding the beautiful Pac Norwest and especially along the Snake River and Lewis & Clark trail. Up to 5000 bikers are expected to descend upon this tiny, tiny town. (It's a civilized affair and family friendly. Gimme some credit...I wouldn't expose the two Things to a Sturgis type affair)

Peace out & Wonderful Weekend Wishes to you All!