For Crying Out Loud Dammit

"I Rant, Therfore I Am." A glimpse at life's small annoyances that really bug the daylights out of me. (Maybe you too)?

Friday, June 1

Woo Hoo, The Weekend!

The weather is sunny, warm and perfect here in the Northwest. I'm lovin' it! Last weekend, on Memorial Day, we took a family motorcycle ride. Put over 200 plus miles on the scoots. It was great.

This weekend is the last weekend of Little League. My boys have done well and I'm especially proud of Thing 1. He started off with little skill: couldn't hit, couldn't catch and didn't run very well. But, with dedication and practice (not to mention my ridin' his little butt to get better) he is now a respectable player; even earning the game ball the other night for a nice hit to left field that set his team up for the winning run. Ahhh...I'm so proud.

Thing 2 is a pretty good hitter as well but has a focus problem. It's hard to be in the field as an 8 year old. Baseball just isn't fast enough sometimes to keep the attention. I remember it well.

Three games, total, to go. We'll finish up just in time before heading out on the family vacation. We're going to hell...Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally that is!

5 days of riding the beautiful Pac Norwest and especially along the Snake River and Lewis & Clark trail. Up to 5000 bikers are expected to descend upon this tiny, tiny town. (It's a civilized affair and family friendly. Gimme some credit...I wouldn't expose the two Things to a Sturgis type affair)

Peace out & Wonderful Weekend Wishes to you All!


At June 2, 2007 at 5:37 AM , Blogger lime said...

have fun going to hell! bwahahaha.

aw yes, nothing like 8 year olds in the outfield. i remember it too. glad tohear both things are progressing skill wise. most importantly i hope they are having fun.

At June 4, 2007 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Angel said... My kid sucked big time at baseball. never got a hit...not once. Oh well.

I think that's cute..out there in the outfireld, looking for bugs!

Be safe on your trip and have fun!

At June 4, 2007 at 12:16 PM , Blogger Rusty Nails said...

Beth - Thanks for the well wishes for our trip.

Your boys more than made up for their lack in baseball with a skill for track. That is soooo awesome how well they did. College scholarship pending?

At June 8, 2007 at 7:42 PM , Blogger Angel said...

Ok, you've been gone for 5 days,,, your time is up...get back to blogging!

At June 13, 2007 at 9:06 AM , Blogger Angel said...

um...did you fall into one of those dams you like to visit? where in the heck are you?!


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