Hollywood Prima Donnas Disgust Me!
Heard on the radio the other day that Katie Holmes, (the more "normal" one of the Cruise duo), had felt she was being followed by paparazzi on her way to Target to go shopping. She called the local police who arrived and took her complaint as any good police offier would do. But then, THEN, they had to escort her throughout Target while she did her shopping.
O.K. WTF?! The folks in blue are employed by ALL taxpayers to protect and serve ALL taxpayers and NOT to play nurse maid & protector to a spoiled, eccentric, little tart! What a waste of man hours and tax dollars to have at least two officers follow her around a department store to buy pampers for her kid. You'd think with the money she and wack-o hubby have they could afford to hire their own personal security instead of depriving the public of two officers of the law.
Why does this bug me? Well, I used to be in LE. I also used to be a protection agent for dignitaries. These people have money coming out their eyeballs. They can afford their own security and most do employ a guard at some time or another. The fact is that these "stars" and "starlets" are no more than expectant, demanding, profane & vain, verbally abusive and mostly ugly human beings that feel all of humanity is here for them; to be at their beck & call.
Next time you're in a fender bender and have to wait 90 minutes for police response or find yourself asking the question: "Where's a cop when you need one?" Uh, most likely they're not at the donut shop any longer but rather Shopping with the Stars! (Hey, that could be a new reality show, no?!)
now the truth comes out....
oh and you forgot to add the adjective vapid in that list of fine qualities the rich and pampered exhibit...
OK, that is just queer that she would do that. Maybe she's not getting enough attention? Or maybe it wasn't the papparazi, but some weird guy stalking her, that I could understand.
You win a CD by the way. Thanks for playing!
UGH. She is being brain washed by her psycho hubby and his minions of mind altering faith. He's an idiot. She's an idiot. Idiots are expected to act that way. It's not surprising, it's disgusting.
I feel really bad saying this, but I would TOTALLY watch that show!!
Actually, wouldn't you think she'd hire someone to do the shopping for her???
As if I didn't need any more reason to dislike all things Cruise ...
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