For Crying Out Loud Dammit

"I Rant, Therfore I Am." A glimpse at life's small annoyances that really bug the daylights out of me. (Maybe you too)?

Wednesday, April 11

Sumpin' Ain't Kosher in the Pickle Barrel

Baseball Registration to local Little League: $170 (for 2)
New Glove: $45 (for 1)
New Cleats: $50 (for 2)

Our local little league has about 600 kids of all ages registered. Average cost per child to register is $85. Approximate total = $51000 / year.

The league has equipment bags with bats, catchers gear, etc. that was purchased who knows how long ago. The equipment is in fair to good condition for the most part (I know as I coached last year and assist this year).

The league encourages coaches to solicit sponsors for the teams. This means more revenue coming in. Then, my son (eldest) brings home coupons to sell for a little league car wash @ five bucks a pop. That's $50 per kid if all of those get sold. So, let's assume that sponsorship brings in $10,000 and the car wash brings in $3000 (just estimates). Our total revenue is now...$68,000. Here's where it's going to get interesting:

Now, the Coaches are volunteers. The Coaches drag the field prior to games. They don't get paid as they are volunteers. (Keep that in mind). The Kids get issued a hat, shirt, pants. They get to keep the hat. The younger kids are umpired by the coaches. Older kids have umpires. Do they get paid? I assume, but probably not much...I'd guess $20 / game. So let's assume that there are 60 teams and they each play 16 games (I'd be more specific but the league site and/or my computer is being uncooperative so I can't get exact numbers). Total pay to Umps = $19,200. A stretch but let's go with it. Then there are the fields. Public parks and school fields. Hmmm...public. Should be no fees here. So where is the remaining $48,800 going? Let's assume:

Baseballs & Practice Balls = $2500
Replacement gear (est.) = $2400, Bats; $3000, Catchers Gear = $5400
Uniforms = $15000

Total = $22,900 / Difference = $25000

Where is that $25000? I don't know but I'm going to find out!

Oh yeah, then the coach of my eldest son's team has the nerve to tell us parents that we need to buy red socks for the players so as to match the f***n' oversized uniform provided to my son. Uh eldest was issued like a man's size large jersey. (He's 11). He was told that if it didn't fit to bring it back for a different size. He did. They didn't have any other sizes. This shirt is so big, the kid can wrap it around himself twice like a toga! For crying out loud, dammit...what happened to the days of little league being fun and local with just a hat and t-shirt that the kids got to KEEP! At least then you felt you were getting your money's worth.


At April 11, 2007 at 1:33 PM , Blogger MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

You lost me when you started doing math.

At April 11, 2007 at 1:54 PM , Blogger Rusty Nails said...

Manic Mom - Let's just say I want to know where a possible $25k is going and for what purpose.

At April 11, 2007 at 2:23 PM , Blogger DaMasta said...

I read this post just because there was math involved. :)

Let's just assume there are expenses, administrative costs, printing of flyers, resourses and whatnot that need to be accounted for. The world revolves around money, unfortunately that goes for a game of good ole fashioned little league too :(

At April 11, 2007 at 2:45 PM , Blogger Rusty Nails said...

Damasta - I understand the world hinging on money thing. I work in a bank. I just want some transparency & accountability with ref. to where the money is going. SHOW ME THE MONEY! Or at least the expense report.

At April 11, 2007 at 3:10 PM , Blogger lime said...

oh i understand completely. it's the same racket in these here parts. it's ridiculous, plus we have to buy our own uniforms. it makes no sense to me.

and don't even starty me on the coaches who are compensating for having microscopic gentialia by sucking every bit of fun out of a game supposed to be played by the boys

At April 11, 2007 at 3:42 PM , Blogger Rusty Nails said...

Lime - how do you know their genitalia are microscopic? I know what ya mean. I think there should be a coaches clinic. Some of our coaches, bless their heart for volunteering, aren't very good. Poor kids on their team get jipped.


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