Awesome Weekend
Ah, the weather in the Nor'west this weekend was fabulous. Saturday found me sleeping in until 9:30. I usually never stay in bed this late but it was a tough week. I had no real projects pending and the Things didn't have baseball until 2:30. So, why not capitalize on the opportunity.
The wife and I discussed a motorcycle ride after baseball. But, then we decided there were actual chores to do that needed attention...lawn mowed, laundry, etc. However, the forecast for Sunday was to be a repeat of Saturday with temps in the low 60's and sun. It was agreed upon, then, that we would work fiendishly on Saturday so as to be able to play on Sunday.
Sunday AM was gray and cool. Oh no! We went to early church service (8:30am). It was rough as we usually attend the later service, but we were blessed with sunshine when we exited the church. Wooo Hoooo! To home and then a change of clothes. Rally the Things and we were off.
Did about a 150 mile day. Not extreme but respectable. The wife and I are doing this thing called the Dam Tour 2007. There are 8 different dams in Oregon & 8 in Washington with 4 bonus dams scattered abroad. The object is to motorcycle to a dam, photo yourself with your motorcycle and registration placard. Then you email the photo to the sponsor who keeps a ranking of how many dams folks make it to. At the end of the season there is a big BBQ and prizes for those who visit the most dams. Today, we achieved #2. By end of June, we should be up to 6. Shasta Dam in CA is on the list as a bonus. We intend to ride the coastal hwy from WA to CA later in the summer to check that one off. That'll take a good 7-10 days.
This is our family hobby and it's quite grand.